D I G I T A L   P H A R M A C Y


Scientific Music Medicine
World Medical Portal
Music Medicine Data
Wahre Wunder
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Musikmedizin
World Pythagoras Association
Medical Music Preparations
Medicine World Center
Medical Music
Medizinische Musikpräparate
Medical Music Preparations
Musik Medizin Präparate
Music Medicine Preparations
Mutter & Kind
Medical Music Preparations
Mother & Child
Music Medicine Preparations
Mutter & Kind
Mutter & Kind Harmonie
Music Medicine Preparations
  Preyer’sches Kinderhospital, Wien
M E D I C A L   R E S O N A N C E  T H E R A P Y   M U S I C®    a product of the Micro Music Laboratories® leading medicine into the future

application of the natural harmony laws of the microcosm of music in favour of health


©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   2001



Universities, Research Institutions, Hospitals, Congresses, Symposiums, Fairs
Research into Medical Resonance Therapy Music® has so far been carried out or presented
to the professional public at the following universities, research institutions and hospitals,
and at the following congresses, symposiums and medical and educational trade fairs:
Micro Music Laboratories
Micro Music Laboratories
MML® – Founder
Music & Health
Medical Resonance
Therapy Music®
Nature‘s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music
Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier
R & D
International Experts
International Media
Main Links