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Music & Health Society’s Responsibility

JOURNALIST: So in future there will be instructions on CDs, as to whether this music is beneficial to health, safe in terms of your health or harmful to your health?

PETER HUEBNER: For me this is only a question of time, and the extent of democratic development in society.
The higher developed societies will lead the way in this respect, and the others will follow them. No society wants to be destroyed.
And the core way of averting such a thing is without doubt to support health as well as to avoid social damage – that is to support methods of healing which are objective and scientifically verifiable and to avoid influences which damage people’s health – as we already know it nowadays from the fight against the cocaine trade and similar things.

Your original question was previously: why I show so much tolerance towards disharmonious music, although I have devoted myself to harmonious music. The answer is that I am able to afford this attitude, because the problems of harmonious and disharmonious music – as I have explained – are not so much a question relating to music or art, but primarily to medicine. And so these problems are first and foremost the responsibility of medical experts and legislation, and they can and will only be solved there. As a musicologist, music creator or artist I don’t need to have a strong opinion at all.

But at the same time I don’t see this as a question of the producers of dissonant music who are not the people responsible in kindergardens, in schools and in the media either.
They offer the disharmonious music products of which they are convinced exactly in the same way as I offer the harmonical music products of which I am convinced, and from a musicological and artistic point of view, we can face each other with musical respect.

And if their artistic products are brazenly removed from lessons for health reasons, and mine are introduced into kindergardens and schools for the same reason, I would not want to imagine that I was a better artist, a better composer or a better businessman, I would only see the reason for this in the fact that, unfortunately, there are so many people prone to illness in the present times, so many children and juveniles with health and behavioural disorders – a fact which must, of course, be taken into special account by society.

But if we succeed in strengthening health in our society in such a way that all children and juveniles are healthy, then the necessity for the use of harmonical music might possibly come to an end, and there will be more space again for the stress attacks of dissonant music which are interesting in a positive sense – as a kind of positive endurance test for the immune system.

One can say that I follow the health trend of our times, with the general need for individual, social and ecological harmony – whilst my colleagues, who have devoted themselves to dissonant music, follow the very interesting paths of new musical concepts and developments for which I have a lot of sense and which, as an artist, I more strongly share than many of them would dream of.

Well – I come from that direction, and for some time was considered an expert in this field. I don’t condemn this developments, instead I continue to follow them in an artistic sense – whereby afterwards I then have to expose myself very consciously and purposefully to my Medical Resonance Therapy Music® for the purpose of reducing stress.


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  Avant Garde Music                                              continued 5