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The Future of the Orchestra

In this case he will become the free mediator between the classical music creator and the listener – without any inspectors whatsoever.

The places of music training, i.e. the music colleges, music academies and conservatoires are not at all prepared for this situation – perhaps that is better so. Then they can’t disturb this process of development in an incompetent way.

But therefore, at the same time, this process will bring the end of these music institutions. So, your question “Can one learn music in a place of training?” has been settled in a natural way.

I can still remember: when I was small, many people made their way briskly to the Ruhr Valley like to the Promised Land to participate in lucrative coal-mining.

This gold-digging spirit has not only long gone, but other developments have taken over coal-mining in such a way, that these people are faced with great problems, as to how they will earn a living.

This whole scenario, from the beginning to the heyday until the end, has not even lasted 50 years, and nobody will doubt that, according to today’s level of knowledge, conventional coal-mining in the Ruhr Valley no longer has a future.

The same applies to the symphony and/or opera orchestra – only that here, the artistic end will probably not be the decisive element, but the end due to health reasons.
The orchestra’s future is therefore not a musical or artistic problem, but a medical one.

And in a time when people are concerned with a general reduction of costs in the medical sector, these efforts will not stop for the orchestra.

Just as coal-mining in the Ruhr district, whilst at death's door, is nowadays still being artificially subsidised from outside, and discussions about the end of these subsidies make people’s feelings run high, the symphonic or operatic orchestra is also artificially subsidised from the outside in the same way, and with discusssions about the subsidies their end is foreseeable.

Many individual fates are involved in these developments – in coal-mining as in the symphonic orchestra –, but it’s no use turning a blind eye on the facts of new developments.
It’s much more worthwhile to adjust and adapt in time. Music existed prior to the symphonic and operatic orchestras, and it will go on existing. There is no need to mourn for music.


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  Avant Garde Music                                            continued 15