and Relative
Levels of Description
in Music
Subjectivity and
The Musical
Description of the
Objective Sphere
of Music
Moreover, the spoken
word of music offers the most direct method to systematically describe the
elements of the subjective sphere, as well as to portray the process of evolution
in general.
In this context the language of music describes individual evolution and,
based on that, social evolution, and finally, as the outer shell of individual
and social evolution, ecological evolution.
And all of this is described by music not only in an differentiated isolated
manner, but in an integrated and completely unified way as well.
Music not only describes on a level where time and space are separated, but also in terms of space-time integration; and moreover, even beyond space and time on the absolute level of unbounded space and on the absolute level of infinite time.
In the natural, realistic, exact musical description of the reality of life, subjectivity and objectivity are not irreconcilable; objectivity is rather perceived and portrayed as the outer periphery of life.
Thus, at the outermost periphery of the musical sound-space, music describes the objective sphere of nature as the outermost border of the subjective.
© Micro Music Laboratories 2001