a useful connection
Micro Music Laboratories – Research & Developement
Micro Music Laboratories – Research & Developement
MML® – Founder
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a useful connection


Power over
Dreaming and
Waking State of


The World of
Creative Fantasy



Beyond the
Processes of



Freedom of
Decision in the
World of Fantasy

The Inability to
Make Decisions in
the Dreaming State
of Consciousness

The Ability to
Make Decisions in
the Waking State
of Consciousness


Creativity in




The Imaginative,
Creative Individual

Sovereignty over
Bound and Free Creativity

This entire manifold inner-human world is known so far almost only to the dreamer and, in his dream, he is the creative king of his own lively mental world of fantasy.
But so far, unfortunately, he executes a certain sovereignty over the manifold realm of his mental experiences only in his dream.

For the creative man, however, it is only natural to produce at will an extremely rich, manifold, inner world of thoughts in his waking state of consciousness, too, and to live in it as its great ruler.
This sphere of the inner formative power we call the world of creative fantasy.

Internally-physically – in terms of the inner mechanics of the organ of speech, of the mechanics of the senses and of the mechanics of the mind, of the mechanics of the breath and of the mechanics of discrimination – there is no difference between the world of dreaming and the world of fantasy of a poet or musician. But there is a great difference in the actual sovereignty over the dreaming state of consciousness and the waking state of consciousness – in the influence of the self-awareness over the development of the flow of thoughts.

The dreamer is hardly able to influence the course of his dream whereas an individual, gifted with creativity, freely determines the development of his world of fantasy at any moment.

In the dreaming state of consciousness, the self consumes the mental changes passively like a visitor to a cinema because in the dreaming state of consciousness the organ of decision – the intellect – has decided to mostly relax, and therefore it influences the course of the dream-events only very little.

Quite different the waking state of consciousness of the creative individual: here, the self-awareness completely governs the change of scenes in the world of the mind through the settled intellect.
Therefore, the harmoniously organizing power has its greatest value in the conscious fantasy of the alert, creative artist.

The self of the dreamer exerts only little influence over the dream experiences because, in the dream, it looses the knowledge of its own mental organizing power. During the dream, the self is unaware that it dreams, that it is indeed the organizer of the dream, and that it can change its events at any time, or interrupt it by waking up at will. If it did not lose this knowledge of its organizing power over the dream, the phenomenon of fear, for example, would be impossible during dreaming.

The individual of unfolded creativity realizes that he is the imaginative organizer, the great ruler over the realm of his fantasy, the great sovereign over his inner worlds, the fearless, mighty organizer of everything he is experiencing, the one who is holding the reins to his mental experiences in his hands, and who determines the events at any time.



Reference work: Peter Huebner – Natural Music Creation

M U S I C   C R E A T I O N



The Superiority of Music over the Language of Today

Fundamental Research

The Organ of Speech

The Smithy of Thought

Sovereignty over
Bound and Free

The Dimension of Creative Unfoldment

Control over the World
of Thinking

Content and Form,
Meaning and Structure

The Share of the
Senses of Perception
in the Process of
Gaining Knowledge

The Language of Music

How Our Ancestors
Used Language

Conclusions from the
Ancient Records

The Legacy of Our

The Task Set by
Our Ancestors

science                         music                            art
intelligence                  creativity                     harmony