In the World of the
Musical Sequences
The Musical Stream
of Energy of the
The Seed Image of
All Music in Pure
Infinite Source
of Music
The Art of
Deduction as the
Key of Gaining
Knowledge in Music
The Safe Path into
the Worlds of
Higher Order in
The Vertical Path
towards Genuine
Musical Knowledge
Unworldly Path
of Unmusical
Gaining Knowledge
Purpose of
Conclusions in
level of knowledge characterizes our musical insight into the worlds of the
Because now we realize that, as if by a secret spell, the musical forces of
the individual unfoldment the motifs are held together from
within by other forces of a higher order by forces more powerful than
even the motifs themselves.
And by identifying step by step with these new, higher forces, we gradually experience the source of power of those sequence-forces; we experience the almighty creative power of the harmony.
cognize how that infinite stream of energy of the harmony permeates the sequences
with life and thereat, creatively expands towards the motifs.
And as we direct our attention naturally towards the source of that stream,
we perceive the harmony itself.
In the harmony we then discover the seed image of the entire outer music;
and we notice that the outer music in the sequence-spaces, in the motif-spaces,
and in the musical sound-space are but a reflection of the dynamic musical
movement within the realm of the harmony.
And in that moment without really thinking about it we have reached the field of pure self-knowledge.
Step by step, the systematic sequence of our natural, musical conclusions has brought us, the cognizant music listeners, into the sphere of creating music from where, as we now witness, all music flows forth like from an inexhaustible spring.
music, therefore, the art of drawing conclusions is the prerequisite for any
gaining knowledge.
This applies to the creator of music, as well as to the music listener.
And as it turns out, this art of musical deduction is also the prerequisite to gain universally human knowledge in music.
The art of deduction brings the music listener quite naturally into the realms of increasingly higher musical orders and thus systematically into the fields of increasingly higher musical knowledge.
Here, the skill of the musical creator lies in training his listener in the art of musical deduction to show him the vertical path into the depth of genuine musical knowledge, and so to set an example for the music listener by walking this path of knowledge himself.
horizontal kind of musical pseudo-conclusion, as practised today in the conventional
system of musical analysis, can only lead to pseudo-knowledge.
This arises from false deduction and also from completely unpractical
These illusory conclusions do not at all lead the listener into fields of higher musical knowledge; they keep him in the field of the musical sound-space, that space where the process of the musical gaining knowledge actually ends.
This corresponds to someone counting the grain instead of putting it into the soil and allowing it to grow.
The process of drawing conclusions in music is always directed towards knowing a higher musical meaning; it leads into the depth of music towards the natural source of music and systematically raises the music listener to the status of a music creator.