Method of Knowing
Reality in Music
the Absolute
Tone-substance in
the Sense of Hearing
The Sense of
Hearing in a State of
Cosmic Perception
the case of outwardly listening to music, shape-giving faculties of our neurophysiology
project the outer reality of the resounding musical performance onto the surface
of our mind; through that, the surface of our mind assumes the structure of
the sounding composition, thus producing the inner reflection of the outer
musical reality.
This is the empirical method of knowing reality in music as we music listeners
practise it.
we perceive the perfect fundamental vibration of the absolute sound-substance
simultaneously, this cosmic vibration also enters our sense of hearing and
raises it to a state of cosmic perception.
Now we are able to feel our mind, which functions with infinite flexibility,
and to draw from it the perfect musical experience in the absolute musical
force-field of the harmony.
By incessantly infusing our sense of hearing with the perfect fundamental vibration of the absolute sound-sub-stance and by perceiving it there all the time, we gain cosmic control over our sense of hearing.
Reference work: Peter Huebner Natural Music Hearing