career of the
classical composer
JOURNALIST: Mr. Huebner, you have such an exceptional music career
behind you that it seems important to me to ask you personally about your
background as a musician and composer before others perhaps make up
their own stories.
As a composer you are a natural talent and have never formally studied music.
The work of a natural talent is often surrounded by the air of sensationalism
and has, especially in your case, again and again aroused great astonishment
above all among the music experts. How do you deal with this phenomenon?
PETER HUEBNER: I understand that, as an outsider, you would regard
this as sensational: a boy, just turned 19 years old, sits down at his desk
and starts to write down very complex compositions.
JOURNALIST: Of which significant contemporary composers say that only
a very talented person could realise such a high standard after studying a
long time with a very good composer.
PETER HUEBNER: For an outsider this may be sensational I myself,
however, have always experienced the process of composing as something quite
natural, and still experience it in the same way today.
You see, I dont make music as such, but rather the music
grows in me, it is there in a natural way and matures, and I only have to
activate a kind of mental switch, and then I see the score of what sounds
in me in front of my minds eye. Then all that is left to do, is write
it down.
There is no effort, no inner struggle, no emotional wrestling it is
all very simple and natural.
JOURNALIST: And how do you explain your talent?
PETER HUEBNER: Others may seek explanations, I just take it as it
is. Why should I look for explanations?
When I observe nature, I find that really everything in it is exceptional.
I regard it as pointless to have to seek an explanation particularly for my
gift of nature, and I ask you - of what use would that be?
Perhaps you could best compare it with the growth of a child in the mothers
womb. The mother doesnt really experience this as something sensational;
neither will she claim that she consciously forms her baby in detail. And
which mother now commences to desperately look for explanations why her baby
is growing inside her in all details in just this way.
It is a natural process for her, and I experience in the same sort of very
unsensational way the inner natural growth of my musical work.
Another fact is that this process does not wear me out and doesnt leave
an emptiness behind which might provoke questions on the contrary:
this musical growth process is combined with a fulfilling experience of happiness
which flows into the composition, and which is conveyed to many others who
then listen to this music.
JOURNALIST: Mr. Huebner, nature has a central significance in your
work. What can your tell us about your attitude to nature?
PETER HUEBNER: When I experience the inner and outer creations
of nature, its unlimited power to connect opposites to each other in complete
harmony, then nature reveals itself to me as the perfect organ of the Creator.
I have a very personal relationship with nature, and I experience it as natures
clear ethical instructions to strengthen natural harmony in the world with
my compositions by using the natural laws of harmony of the microcosm of music.
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