Micro Music Laboratories
Micro Music Laboratories
MML® – Founder
Motivation and Responsibility
of the Musician
The Domain of the
Musical Force-Fields

The Inner Dimension of
the Interpretation

Examining the
Interpreter's Intentions

The integrated diversity of the sequences, melodies, and motifs enlivens within the listener the world of his inner cognition and a natural awareness of his own inner power: the profound feeling of free sovereignty over his inner potential of happiness.

The musician who, when musically structuring the sound-space, wants to express this inner lively world outwardly, will initially encounter difficulties, because something from inside cannot readily be transformed into something outside.

To master this task of expressing comprehensive human values through the interpretation requires great ideals and the awareness of a deep, conscious responsibility towards humanity.

Love of music is essentially a quality of the listener. In the interpreter, in the music expert, it is the love of mankind which must dominate if he wants to promote the good in the world through music.
And when the musician fulfils this requirement, he will have the basic attitude needed to accomplish the laborious process of truthful conveyance of music unperturbed, and he will emerge from it fulfilled.


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©  Micro Music Laboratories  2001



The Image of
Musical Beauty

The Embodiments
of Harmony

Motivation and
of the Musician

Reversal of the Reality
of Creating Music

Analysis of the

of Creating Music

Music Theory

The Natural Potential
of the True Artist

Synthesis of the
Artistic and Cultural
Achievement of Music

Ethnic Music                                                            continued 18