Micro Music Laboratories
Micro Music Laboratories
MML® – Founder
Music Theory
Art is a mediator of the
unspeakable. Goethe

Music Theory


The Outer Edge of
Music Theory

Re-Thinking in
Music Theory


General and Specific
Music Theory

General Music Theory

The Finished, Inner
Sound of the

Specific Music Theory

Music theory concerns the inner knowledge of music and the abstract basis of music. In this sense, music theory concerns the ego, the intellect – feeling and understanding – the mind, and the sense of hearing.

Furthermore, music theory concerns the music-creating and music-cognizing self-consciousness, the musical empathy for musical truth and the integrated understanding of musical structures, the music-creating mechanics of the mind and the auditory mechanism of the sense of hearing.

Music theory concerns only marginally the artistic-acoustical practice of music performance.

Therefore, the insights presented in this book require a change of thinking as far as true music theory is concerned. We will regard conventional music theory at best as a specific part of a very "specific music theory," and we will understand the knowledge of music revealed in this book as the basis of a "general music theory."

Specific music theory is then, according to this book, general music theory realized in the acoustic space; and it concerns the integrated process of music production, to the technical realization of Dynamic Space Stereophony.

And general music theory is concerned with the preceding, actual process of creating music up to the completion of the pure creative achievement – the musical product on the level of the mind.

General music theory then ends where the composer knows what he wants to write down and where the interpreter knows what he will play.

And specific music theory begins with writing down the score, and with the outer performance.


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©  Micro Music Laboratories  2001



The Image of
Musical Beauty

The Embodiments
of Harmony

Motivation and
of the Musician

Reversal of the Reality
of Creating Music

Analysis of the

of Creating Music

Music Theory

The Natural Potential
of the True Artist

Synthesis of the
Artistic and Cultural
Achievement of Music

Ethnic Music                                                            continued 21