Self-Awareness of the
Creative Music
The Self-Awareness
as the Power Station
for Energy and
Supplying the
Neurophysiology with
Energy and Intel-
ligence in the Musical
Process of Cognition
Performance of the
Neurophysiology in
Natural Increase
of Knowledge from
Conventional Lack of
Understanding towards
the Natural
Mechanism of the
Coordinated Tools of
The situation is completely different when our self-awareness is enlivened in itself, if we are also conscious in respect to our self-awareness if we are alert.
Emanating from our self-consciousness we are then permanently creative on the level of our mind, and by habit we display the extremely manifold inner force-patterns of our self-awareness on the surface of our mind with high accuracy.
from our state of inner self-awareness we have incomparably higher demands
on our mind than the uncreative music consumer described above.
And we see to it carefully that the energy required to fulfil these demands
flows through our feeling to our mind, while the intelligence required flows
to it through our understanding.
Simultaneously, we also supply our sense of hearing via our intellect with the qualities of our feeling and with the qualities of our understanding, i.e. with energy and intelligence.
In addition, however, we must also pass on to our neuro- physiology those energies which flow from our pure self- awareness to our mind in a natural flow of forces, and we must supply it with at least as much energy and intelligence as is required to enable it to forward the exact information about the spectrum of the tone to our mind.
Under these conditions alone creative music listening is possible; only now can our mind succeed in exactly representing the tonal event which has been perceived from outside by our outer ear so that we are able to perceive it clearly with our inner sense of hearing, and to transmit it to our intellect undistorted.
these explanations it is obvious that in accordance with the nature
of the inner function of our tools of cognition the achievement of
creative hearing cannot be brought about by outer music hearing, but only
by the process of a systematic inner increase of performance in our tools
of cognition themselves.
And this increase of performance originates from our self-consciousness, expands
in a natural flow of energy and intelligence to our intellect, to our feeling
and understanding, extends from there to our sense of hearing and our mind,
and finally, proceeding from there, enhances the function of our neurophysiology.
This insight contradicts the routine of the conventional institutions for music education which struggle for an increase in auditory performance by challenging, and indeed exhausting, the listener with ever new, outer acoustic events.
To achieve a genuine, well-founded increase of performance of our hearing, the nature-given mechanism of our tools of cognition requires by its design and by its natural function, an increase of such performance from within.
Reference work: Peter Huebner Natural Music Hearing