for Creative
Musical Knowledge
and Action
The (Inner) Sense of
Hearing in Training
Natural Tendency
of Our (Inner) Sense
of Hearing
Mechanics of
Thinking and Our
(Inner) Sense of
the Performance
of Our (Inner) Sense
of Hearing
Our (Inner) Sense of
Hearing as a Natural
Signpost to Cosmic
Increase of Energy
and Intelligence in
the (Inner) Sense of
the science of music aspires to be truly successful in its basis, it must
concentrate with musical means on the systematic research and development
of our intellect of our feeling, understanding, and their coordination.
Only then has it created for the music lover the natural prerequisites for
creative knowledge and action in music.
For only the free sovereignty over our intellect guarantees us personally the power over our original, innate sound material, our mind.
listener enters the depths of his mind with the understanding and with the
feeling, but also by virtue of his (inner) sense of hearing.
His sense of hearing continually indicates the depth of his thinking by registering
inasmuch the hearing process is effortlessly.
In its systematics, the process of gaining knowledge in music also draws on the natural tendency of our sense of hearing to aspire to more and more achievement to more hearing ability with less effort.
birth, the mechanics of our thinking and hearing are designed in such a manner,
that the experience of deeper levels of the mind produces a state of greater
relaxation in our sense of hearing.
For every thought possesses finer streams of energy and intelligence in quieter
levels of the mind.
The perception of a musical thought rich in energy and intelligence provides our (inner) sense of hearing with greater energy and intelligence which strengthens it, and makes it more alert, thus increasing its natural performance.
Our (inner) sense of hearing is actively participating in the process of musical transcending; it tells us to which depths of our thinking we have advanced, and it shows us the way to cosmic hearing simply by ascertaining the degree of our alertness and of our strength.
With the increase of energy and intelligence in our sense of hearing we gain power over our hearing in the depth of our musical mind.
Reference work: Peter Huebner Natural Music Hearing